Pet Emporium

Check out this Pet Emporium for all the needs of your pets. This marvelous website vendor supplies everything you could possibly want or need for your pets and at affordable prices. Sales are frequent and shipping is sometimes free.

I found this site over Christmas when I was looking for gifts for pets to be included with other Christmas shopping gifts. Because pets love to open gifts too – at least mine always have. A chew bone wrapped in white tissue paper that crinkles when they sniff or paw at it adds enjoyment not only to the pet but also to the family watching. The special seed for the bird or a pretty bubble dome for the fish tank adds to their enjoyment also.

But this site is not just for toys. They have all your needs as a pet owner from cages and dog or cat doors, to bedding. I saw a heated cat bed there and also a cooling mat for dogs, which is on my shopping list for my dog for this next summer. We live in Arizona and while he is in the air-conditioned house most of the time, I may keep the house warmer than is totally comfortable for him.

More Pet Emporium items

There are agility training items as well as just plain collars and leashes, and even special bark collars. There are special quick-release leashes and lighted dog collars. I am currently involved with a sight that will be able to track lost pets using sensing items in their collars. I didn’t see that item at this site yet, but I’m sure it will be coming soon.

Tell me the story again about how you rescued me!!!

Did you know that Dog Tails and eyes have a special language all their own? Well, it’s true. Just by looking at a dog’s tail you can get clues on how they are feeling and even what they are thinking. This site offers many articles on topics such as this, so even if you are not going to buy today, you can do some enjoyable reading.

Not just Dogs – Cats Too

I haven’t had many cats as pets, but I imagine cats have their own language also. Ask any cat owner. The site offers all sorts of elaborate cat towers, scratching posts and beds. They even offer a KittyWalk enclosure for containing the cat outdoors. One of them is like a Ferris Wheel.

I have had rats and guinea pigs when my son was younger and living at home. Once you get use to the quick movements and long tail of the rats, they really are quite affectionate.

In the past, I have also had birds. Canaries, parakeets, and cockatiels. I especially enjoyed the cockatiels with their cheery red cheeks. They were affectionate too when left out of the cages, but much more difficult to herd back to their houses. This pet emporium has some lovely bird cages too.

One thing that I’ve always drawn the line on however is either a snake or a lizard. While I am an environmentalist and treasure all of God’s creatures and creations, I feel that some are best left in their natural environment and not inside in a cage.

I currently also have a bunny in addition to my dog. It is amazing smart he is. He is in a cage here in the house, but the site offers rabbit hutches for outside too. I let my bunny out to run occasionally and he has learned that when I start shutting off the lights and get the broom, it is time for him to go home. When he is in the cage, when we start to get ready for bed and I do final checks on his food and water, he will come to the corner of the cage for his nightly pat too.

Not found at this Pet Emporium

The one thing you will not find at this Pet Emporium is a live pet. This is also important to me because I have long supported the ASPCA and local adoption centers. Nothing breaks my heart more than to think of an abandoned pet. They give nothing to us by love. They deserve the same.